"Yeah, I have friends, but they have friends, and they have parties, and I'm so awkward."

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Hi, my name is *blurrhhgghhghaslhaf*

#ThatAwkwardMomentWhen My whole life is awkward.

Hi guys, my name is Kiersten and I'm currently struggling through my senior of college at the University of Minnesota. I say "struggling" because I'm one of those socially awkward, smart people. When it comes to explaining positive and negative feedback mechanisms in order to maintain homeostasis, I've got it in the bag. But stick me in a social situation and everything goes to hell.

For example, my freshman year of college, we were required to take a class called Nature of Life. Half of the class was done throughout the semester, and half was done up at Lake Itasca. It was late July when we all met at the U to take a bus up to the research station. We were divided into teams with crazy biology names and we had to come up with a good definition for what these words meant. I couldn't tell you what our word was, but we decided that it was the name of a big fluffy cloud that produced fish offspring. Scientific, right? Well, anyways, the drive up to Itasca is a pretty long one. I think it took us around five hours, but I slept for most of the way. When I woke up, we had about half an hour to go and I was feeling kind of sick. I remember telling myself "we're almost there!!!" "you can do this". My body seemed to think otherwise. A few moments later, the poor kid I was sitting next to was covered in vomit. That's totes-awk. I felt so embarrassed. "Oh, hi. Welcome to college. These are the people you'll be spending the next four years with!" *puke* I just couldn't hold it in! The worst part was, I had only brought one pair of pants, so I had to freeze my butt off for the rest of the week in shorts.  When we all came back to the U for the beginning of the semester, I met quite a few people who had been in different sessions for NOL. They had all heard about "some girl who threw up on the bus" and had been told that if anyone started to feel sick, they should let someone know! I couldn't believe that people were STILL talking about it.

Well, a little over two years have gone by since it happened and the buzz has pretty much gone away. I still get embarrassed if someone happens to bring it up though. I see the kid that I threw up on walking around campus a lot. I wonder if he still thinks about it... I'm sorry Peter!!!!!

Haha, yeah. Well, I'm off to have more awkward encounters. It is the first week of the semester and all. Lots of awkward introductions to be made. Until next time.

This is our whole NOL group. Session 2 I think?

This was before we left and before I embarrassed the crap out of myself!!

Studying for our big exam! I'm at the head of the table there.

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