"Yeah, I have friends, but they have friends, and they have parties, and I'm so awkward."

Friday, September 7, 2012

Awkward Introductions

As the new semester starts gaining steam, the awkward moments become ever more present. We're just four days into the new year and I've already had two awkward introductions.

The first one was probably the worst. I was sitting in Evolution Lab, and our TA suggested that we introduce ourselves to the people around us. My four years of speech taught me that handshakes are ALWAYS essential for new introductions, so I turned to the girl sitting across the table from me, reached out my hand, and said "Hi, my name is Kiersten!". I was reaching and reaching and reaching, but I couldn't stretch my arm enough to reach hers!! She was doing the same and we managed to touch the tips of our fingers together, but that was it. To make matters worse, I thought it was super funny so I was doing that laugh thing that I do where my face contorts and it's impossible to tell if I'm in pain or crying or something like that. My friend Liz and I kept cracking up through out the rest of the lab. We couldn't look at each other. It was horrible. Haha. Totes awk.

The second one wasn't quite as awkward and it wasn't quite an introduction, but had a few things gone differently, it would have won the prize for most awkward introduction EVER. So I'm taking physics 1302 this semester and that class is full of people who are more awkward than I am (doesn't seem possible right? But it is!) The class is horrible, the professor doesn't speak English very well and the subject matter is impossible to understand, so what do I do? I spend class time on twitter! The third day of class I was perusing the twittersphere, and I came across a tweet that said something like "my physics professor *smart physics talk* since when?". See how great I am at physics? I don't personally know the person who tweeted that tweet, but that smart physics talk sounded an awful lot like what my physics professor said, so naturally, I had to respond.
"Are you taking 1302 right now?"
And the awkward conversation continued from there, including everything from me asking if we could be "study budys" (I suck at typing on my phone), to him admitting that he'd taken the class before and failed. By this time, class is over and I'm on my way to physics lab. There are a few people gathered outside the class room waiting to go inside, so I take a seat on the floor and wait. A few minutes later this guy shows up, looks at me and then proceeds to sit down on the floor and pull out his phone. Almost immediately I receive another tweet about physics. Hmmmm. Correlation? This guy who's sitting on the floor decided it would be a fine idea to ask everyone in the hallway if they wanted some cantaloupe or honey dew melon. I looked at him and laughed. Then I looked at him again and realized that he looked really familiar. Sure enough, it was the guy I had been tweeting with all morning. I'm pretty sure he recognized me as well. To make a long story short, we both pretended not to know each other to avoid that "Oh so YOU'RE that one guy who I met on twitter" moment and went on to take a really really hard physics pre-test. Afterwards, I tweeted back asking him about the cantaloupe thing and he pretended to realize that I was in his lab. So on and so forth.

On another note, my roommate's fish doesn't like when I eat crackers in front of it. That's also slightly awkward.

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