"Yeah, I have friends, but they have friends, and they have parties, and I'm so awkward."

Monday, September 10, 2012

Do The Monkey With Me

Did any of you watch Johnny Bravo when you were younger? Remember how Johnny would always yell out "Do the monkey with me!" and then he would break into this awkward dance where he would bob up and down and move his hands like he was milking a cow? Yeah, well this dance isn't really anything like that, but it's still pretty funny.

On Labor day, my roommates and I took our Irish friends to Minnehaha so we could show them the falls. We walked around on the trails by the bottom of the falls for awhile and then decided to head back up to get some ice cream. To our surprise there was a bluegrass festival going on! When we got back to the pavilion area where the bands were playing we were struck with dancing fever. This video (if I can ever figure out how to post it) is of my friend Francis and I attempting to swing dance. You'll see in the background that my roommate Jess was asked to dance by a cute little old man. I think they were more successful than Francis and I. 

I was able to put the video on youtube! But I still couldn't get it to post here on the page.

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