"Yeah, I have friends, but they have friends, and they have parties, and I'm so awkward."

Friday, November 9, 2012

No More San Francisco

Last night, I went to see Craig Owens at the Triple Rock Social club in Minneapolis. I had no idea who he was until about two weeks ago when someone suggested I listen to the song "No More San Francisco" (you should all listen to it too!). I loved it. Then I learned that he was in a band called Chiodos. I gave some of their music a listen as well, but it wasn't quite my style. A little too hard core for me. But when someone asked me to go to Craig Owens' acoustic show, I felt that I couldn't say no.

So Ben and I ventured through Cedar-Riverside to get to this place around 6 pm last night. Even though it was only 6, it was super dark out and super sketchy, but we made it there alive. The concert was amazing. And afterwards he said that he wanted to meet everyone there so of course we got in line!! I was freaking out as we got closer and closer. I texted my sister asking her what I should say. This was her response "Casually mention the fact that you're not wearing underwear and then wink". Haha, right... Anyways, it was finally my turn and I couldn't get the right words out!

Me "It's so nice to meet you" *Awkwardly shakes hand. WHY DO I ALWAYS HAVE STRANGE HANDSHAKES??*

Him "Thank you" *At this point my ears have shut off and I'm not really listening to what he's saying"

Me "I really enjoyed your show"

Him "Thank you"

Me "Can we take a picture?"

Him "Of course" *Takes picture* "Be safe tonight!"

Me "Thanks, you too!"

And then I left. I was SO STARSTRUCK. It was so amazing.

Me and the wonderful Craig Owens

And here's the song I was talking about.
No More San Francisco 

Still on cloud nine 12 hours later. Best day of my life.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Why You Should Vote No

So I have a paper due in about two hours. But I feel like this is more important.

Voting "no" doesn't mean that you support gay marriage, it doesn't mean that you're abandoning your religious views. Voting "no" means that you understand that our Constitution is there for a reason and that reason is to protect our rights as American Citizens. It means that you understand that these things are done to protect minorities. Voting "no" isn't going to make gay marriage legal, but it will prevent our rights from being abused.*

Would you vote to make interracial couples illegal? Would you vote to make large age differences in couples illegal? Would you vote to make divorce and remarriage illegal? No. I don't think the majority of you would. The same thing goes for gay marriage. So many times, I've heard people say "If you don't want to marry someone of the same sex, then don't do it" and this is so true. By voting for the marriage amendment, not only are you making something that's already illegal even more illegal, but you're looking down on your peers and telling them that they aren't as good as you because of their sexual orientation.

I've heard a lot of arguments for the amendment based on religious beliefs. In fact, I heard someone say that in a perfect world "government should not be involved at all with marriage, churches would handle it". I'm glad you feel strong enough to voice you opinion on that matter, but America celebrates freedom of religion. Do you feel that atheists can't get married because they don't believe in God? What about Buddhists? I don't think the government should be able to limit marriage rights, but I don't think marriage should be left to the church. That's not what America stands for.

There's also been talk of a biological argument. I find this hilarious because the majority of the people that make this argument are the religious fellows. They say that allowing gay marriage will affect the progress of the human race because they won't be able to reproduce. It sounds to me like they're talking about evolution. Hmmm. Interesting stuff, because the majority of people making this argument are advocates of intelligent design. There are over 1500 species of animals that display homosexual tendencies. They seem to be doing just fine on an evolutionary basis. Also, if you think gay marriage will halt our evolutionary process, have you looked at modern medical technology lately? I feel like that has halted our evolution more so than gay marriage ever would.

That being said, if this amendment fails, it will not legalize gay marriage! If this amendment fails it will show that we, as Minnesotans, care about the rights of our fellow citizens. Don't make this harder than it needs to be. Vote no and show your love and support for your neighbors, coworkers, friends and families. Don't limit the freedom to marry even more than it already is. We will never stop fighting. Everyone deserves the right to marry the person they love.

Please, vote no.

*The first paragraph was pretty much taken from Annie Peckskamp, you worded things so eloquently! Thanks girl!