"Yeah, I have friends, but they have friends, and they have parties, and I'm so awkward."

Friday, September 14, 2012

Do you know how much a polar bear weighs?

Enough to break the ice!

Everyone's seen the Zombie Kid "I like turtles" video, right? It starts off with a news woman who is trying to interview a kid about his experience at some park or carnival or something like that. She says something along the lines of "That's an awesome zombie facepaint, what do you think?" and he replies "I like turtles". The news woman obviously doesn't know how to react to that so she says something awkward and moves on with her story. 

Here's the video

I felt like something similar to that would happen yesterday in my Animal Diversity lab. Our TA (who's younger than I am) wanted us to play an ice breaker game. She called it a game, I call it "go around the room and say your name, major, hometown and favorite animal". These types of things always make me nervous and I have no idea why. I did speech in high school so you'd think that telling a class of 17 kids my name and major wouldn't be a big deal. We went around the room and almost everyone was a bio major and the most popular favorite animal was a dog. We finally got to me and I introduced myself, "Hi, my name is Kiersten, I'm from Apple Valley, MN, I'm a bio major and I like giraffes". And then I found $10. Boom. I survived the class and I didn't embarrass myself! 

Okay, so I didn't actually find $10, I just wanted to make my story more interesting.


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