"Yeah, I have friends, but they have friends, and they have parties, and I'm so awkward."

Monday, October 1, 2012

"I Built My Love a Menstrual Hut" a Poem from the Renaissance

Last Friday, I went to the Renaissance Festival with Shane. There's always a myriad of colorful characters there who take joy in saying the most inappropriate things. Halfway through our visit, we made a stop at the mead booth, where poet was reading vulgar poems. If you're wondering how vulgar they were, one of them was titled "I Built My Love A Menstrual Hut". Exactly. So Shane and I sat there drinking our mead and we listened to this beautiful poem. It was all about how a man and built a small house for his lady friend so that when she was on the rag, he could send her to the hut and not have to listen to her "bitching and moaning". Classy, right? Well he had just gotten through the line "to find a quiet place to masterbate" when an older gentleman stood up in the front row. He walked up to the poet, whispered something in his ear, and then turned around to address the crowd. He was wearing oversized jorts with suspenders and two layered t-shirts. The shirts had started riding up so that you could see his belly peeking over the top of his jorts. He grabbed his shirts, pulled them down and tucked them into his pants. And by tucked, I mean he literally stuck his hands halfway down his pants. He then proceded to pull his underwear up OVER his shirts so that they were sticking out of the top of his jorts. Once he had gotten himself all situated, he began to tell us all about a fundraiser that he was helping out with later in this week and how we should all go and that it was a $10 donation. He really stressed that $10 part. I felt so bad for him, but he could not have picked a worse time to interrupt! This went on for about five minutes until someone started the applause to get this man off stage. (I'm not going to admit that that person was me). He slowly ambled off and the entire crowd burst out in laughter. Poor guy. The poet that said "I believe I left off on the word 'masterbate'" and then continued on with his poem.
This is the poet, I wasn't able to get a picture of the man who interrupted. 

I feel like a horrible person for laughing at this man, but it was so incredible awkward and unexpected that I just had to share it with the world! I wasn't able to understand what his charity was, but I'm sure you can find it out there somewhere! If you want to donate $10, DO IT! Haha. Have a nice day everyone!

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